Hey C3PH Family!


Welcome to Elvanto! This platform lets us stay organised, manage plans & rosters, and keep in touch.

If you're new to volunteering here, Welcome! We are so excited to have you as part of the team! 


If you don't remember your log in, email hello@c3ph.com.au with your full name and the email address you'd like to use, and we can check and send through your log in details to you.


Our website is www.c3ph.com.au, where you can catch up on previous sermons, learn more about our Church, access online giving options, book a venue hire, submit a prayer request, and much more!


We hang out on Facebook, and Instagram, and our You Tube channel has our Sunday Service live stream as well as all our previous Messages!


Subscribe to our email Newsletter here for weekly updates on what's happening in church & jump on to our What's App to get updates as they happen.


See you Sunday!!